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General Conditions

  • The therapist is obliged to inform the client about all necessary information concerning the treatment during the different stages of the treatment.

  • The client is obliged to cancel an appointment as soon as possible (minimum 24 hours before the session), otherwise the cost of the time reserved will be charged.

  • The client is obliged to provide all necessary information for the therapist on the intake form.

  • Privacy: For the benefit of the therapy the therapist will create a file. This is also a legal duty imposed by the Act on the Medical Treatment Agreement (WGBO). This file will contain information about your physical and mental health and reports about the sessions and will be saved for fifteen years. It can also contain information from other healthcare providers such as your general practioner. The therapist will only ask other healthcare providers information about your health with your explicit permission. She will do her utmost to protect your privacy. This means that she will handle all private and medical information with care and she will see to it that unauthorized people will not have entry to your data. The therapist is the only one with acces to your file. The therapist is bound by obligation of professional secrecy and will respect the privacy of the client. The client has the right to the access of his own file.
    The information from your file can be used to:
    - Inform other health care providers, but only with your explicit consent.
    - Inform the therapist who will take over the therapy if this is necessary in case of absence
       of the therapist by illness or private circumstances but only with your explicit consent
    -The therapist can consult colleagues and share information anonymously if this is
       necessary to guarantee the best quality of hypnotherapy
    - Your name, address and birth date will be used to make an invoice 
    If any other use of your information is necessary I will inform you and I will ask your explicit consent.

  • The therapist is not allowed to use certain treatments without consent of the client.

  • The therapist is obliged to refer the client to a colleague, specialist or doctor if his treatment is not the appropriate treatment for the client.

  • Termination of the treatment can always take place with consent of both parties.

  • The therapist is a member of the Dutch Association for Hypnotherapists (NBVH), member no. 04006 and has a license that will be visible displayed in the practice. This license is provided yearly by the NBVH and guarantees that the therapist satisfies the conditions of the NBVH for training and intervision. The therapist is also member of the RBCZ (register Beroepsbeoefenaren Complementaire Zorg, member no. 403214R).

  • Clients under 16 will require a treatment form signed by both parents (also when the parents are divorced). If the child is 12 years or older it also has to agree with the treatment and sign the treatment form.

  • The right to information lies with the parents if the child is under 12, with the child and the parents if it is 12 to 16 years old and when the child is 16 years old the right to information lies with the client her/himself (parents have no right only if the client gives her/his consent).

  • The client is responsible for submitting the declarations to the health insurance company and to inform at their health insurance company if they reimburse the cost for the treatment. The therapist is not liable if the Insurance company does not reimburse the cost.

  • After the session the client will receive the invoice by mail. Payment is due within 30 days after the receipt of the invoice. If payment is not received on time the therapist will assign a collection agency to collect the payments. The collection agency will also charge for the legal interest and the cost for collection.

  • Questions or complaints about the invoice will only be handled if you file the complaint by letter or email within 15 days after receipt of the invoice.

  • De Praktijk voor Persoonlijke Begeleiding & Coaching is a member of SCAG (Register van de Stichting Complementaire en Alternatieve Geneeswijzen, member no. 10137). The SCAG is an independent foundation .
    If you have a complaint about the treatment you can contact the SCAG. Website: Contact information: SCAG, Newtonlaan 51, 3584 BP Utrecht, Tel: 085-9022863 email:

  • The therapist has a professional indemnity. The Sole Proprietorship “Praktijk voor Persoonlijke begeleiding & Coaching” is the sole contractor of all the work concerning the treatment. The Dutch law applies to this agreement. The liability of the Sole Proprietorship is limited to the allowance that will take place under the professional indemnity.


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